Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How To Prevent Your Vehicle From Being Stolen

Vehicle thefts occur on a daily basis in Malaysia. In 2002, a total of 8,544 cars (an average of 23 a day) were reported stolen. In some cases, the thefts were due to the carelessness of owners, for example leaving the keys in the ignition while popping into a nearby shop or while paying for petrol. Car thieves are quick to capitalize on such opportunities.

nadequate security systems also give rise to thefts. However, while cars without such systems are obvious targets, some thieves are so professional they know how to circumvent even the best security system. So how can you truly protect your vehicle? Install the most advanced security system in the world? Maybe, but it will be totally useless if you don't use any common sense.

Things car thieves look for:

  • Keys in ignition

  • Open windows

  • Unlocked doors

Don't make your vehicle an easy target. Always make sure you lock your doors, roll up all windows and remove the keys from the ignition, even if you're just going to be away for a few seconds - that's all the time a thief needs.

Other precautions you should take:
  • Always be alert of your surroundings. It doesn't matter where you are - outside your home, in a parking lot, outside a store or place of worship - thieves can be lurking anywhere.
  • Do not leave any valuables in the car.
  • Always park in well-lit areas.
  • Avoid parking lots with per entry charges. Thieves will be happy to note that they do not have to pay any charges upon exiting the car park.
  • Do not leave your parking ticket in the car.
  • Avoid using jockey services. You never know if a duplicate of your key is being made. (This goes for car wash services in car parks too)
  • Use visible anti-theft devices such as steering and gear locks. It takes time to cut through such devices and this could deter thieves who are short of time.
  • Get an alarm installed. Even though people usually ignore alarms going off, at least it will attract some attention.
  • Consider investing in an immobilization device. This prevents thieves from hot-wiring your engine. They may make off with your expensive stereo but at least your car will still be there.
  • Consider sandblasting or etching your vehicle's registration number on the windows and windscreen. Thieves who intend to sell off your vehicle will find this a hassle as they have to replace the glass.
You may drive the most dilapidated car in the world, but don't assume that no one wants it. Whether it's a brand new Mercedes Benz or a second-hand Perodua Kancil or an ancient Ford Escort, your car runs the risk of being stolen. Take the necessary precautions for your peace of mind. Despite your best efforts, you may not be able to stop a determined thief, but you would at least have given him a tough time.